How To Create Personalized Landing Pages For Increased Conversions

What are Personalized Landing Pages? 

The concept of personalization is simple. It is all about adding personal elements to your marketing and humanizing your brand.

This can be as simple as addressing existing clients by name in your newsletter correspondence, or including geo-specific information on your web pages. There is no exact recipe for creating customized personal landing pages. Every business needs to connect to its consumers appropriately.

But basically, personalized custom landing pages are landing pages that include information that is personal to the landing page visitor.

Steps to Creating Personalized Landing Pages

Before we get stuck into the finer details, here is a brief overview of the process involved in creating personalized landing pages.

The consumer visiting your landing page may not be ready to make a purchase, but it is important to remember that that may not be your landing page’s purpose. Perhaps you are using the landing page to get people to sign up to a newsletter or to try out a free trial. So when you’re creating personalized landing pages, you have to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve in mind.

You will need a very good picture of your various buyer personas. This means you must accumulate data on their relevant demographics and their online behaviour. You also need to determine their level of intent to buy and interest level. The further they are in the sales funnel, the more information you should be able to gather about the lead.

Once you have confidently identified what you want to accomplish and have familiarized yourself with your target audience, you can begin to personalize the content. You can create several personalized landing pages, each directed at a different buyer persona. You can create still more dynamic landing pages based on PPC ads, dynamic text replacement to match up with specific keyword searches, and geographic locations.

Once you have created your dynamic content variations, you should then run some A/B tests to establish which customized landing pages are most effective. By putting your best foot forward, you will ensure that you have a steady flow of conversions to work with.

At this point, creating personalized landing pages sounds like a long, arduous task. But with the right tools and the right people for the job, it’s much simpler than you think.

Define The Goal of Your Landing Page

In the digital marketing space, a landing page is much more than just a home page or a page one lands on, which is how they’re thought of by some.

A landing page is a campaign-specific page that has a single focus, expressed as a CTA, or Call-To-Action. In other words, when you create a landing page, you are trying to get consumers to perform a certain task. This task contributes to the success of your campaign. This task is the tool with which you’re going to increase conversions.

So, when you are creating personalized landing pages for a marketing campaign, this is your starting point.

What are you trying to accomplish?

Your consumer is typically being brought to your landing page via a link they’ve clicked on on their social, an email or somewhere similar. Which means a piece of your content has already caught their attention. The landing page is where you seal the deal. Examples include e-commerce stores, sign up forms, free trials, special offers and more.


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